Friday, January 30, 2009

Steven johnson: The Invention of Air

"As a “compulsive sharer,” Joseph Priestley believed wholeheartedly in the free flow of information: in letting insights from science flow into the streams of faith and politics, in trusting in the human mind as the ultimate homeostatic system, able eventually to find its internal balance no matter how large the disruption."

This is a bit outdated, but worth posting anyway. My first introduction to Steven Johnson was through the book 'Everything Bad is Good For You." It's a title that is obviously far fetched but yet page after page he proves that most of what we call 'Junk' is actually a progressive force in our society. In a way it was a Wisdom of Crowds for pop culture. His last several have had more to do with how history and science have created society today. His most recent book continues in a similar fashion focusing on scientist and friend of the founding fathers Joseph Priestley.

*thank you Mr. Sewell

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