Monday, January 26, 2009

So You've Decided To Go To Work High

Writer: Clem Rorsch
Well pothead, you looked ahead at your workday and decided that eight hours of Joe-jobbery was simply too boring to get through sober. Congratulations dude, you’ve just joined a demographic known as the “willingly dumb.” If you’re anything like me (please dear God let there be others like me), your menial job in customer service/administration/lil’ bitchdom is so terribly unchallenging you need to give your brain a handicap. As in golf, recommended highness will vary from stoner to stoner, but the main rule is to not be a shithead. Realize that going to work high can sometimes be even more stressful than regular work. Chatty coworkers, needy customers, and confusing office appliances can frustrate your already struggling mind, and draw unwanted attention from the higher ups. But not if you follow these rules, pothead:

Blaze Naked - Stoners are always worried about whether they smell like pot. Do you really reek of “Green Jamboree,” or is it all in your head? To solve this problem, simply get high BEFORE putting your clothes on. Yes, this means you’ll be ass naked sucking from a wildly colored glass pipe at 8:23am, and whether you count this as a positive or negative is up to you. In my book, anytime I am simultaneously naked and high is a major plus.

....Continued at MADATOMS

*thanks B

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