Friday, January 23, 2009

A Pizza Or A Plane Ticket to London

Ryanair Plans $15 Flights to Europe

I can't help but imagine people selling goats and religious paraphernalia in flight. If it works even remotely close to as advertised, wow, this could change everything.

From Wired Blog: Full Article Here

While US airlines have bumped prices so sharply that some frequent fliers are turning to the bus, a European airline is getting ready to sell you a ticket to London that costs less than an entree at the Olive Garden.

Low-cost Irish monster Ryanair announced that it plans to begin flying from Europe to the US, with economy tickets starting at 10 Euros, or around $13.00. Ryanair expects to make money on the flights by sticking to its wildly successful European business model of charging passengers for almost everything but the air they breathe, and by offering a more traditional business cabin in the front of the plane.

Ryanair's plan is to offer flights between its base at Stansted, an outlying London airport that is popular with the budget crowd, and New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, and cities in Florida. Ryanair doesn't have the planes to get started right away, but the airline's outspoken CEO Michael O'Leary says that with the recession sure to put dents in the order books of Boeing and Airbus, there are deals to be made.

If a $15 flight to Europe sounds too good to be true, that's because it is.


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