Friday, January 9, 2009

Miniatures in Disguise:

It is little shock that most images being made and transmitted today are digital. That doesn't suggest that film is now longer highly valued and purposeful. However, the kingdom that once belonged to the analog world has taken yet another blow and this attack was directed at the view camera. The view camera has been considered safe territory for aspiring photographic artists and film-o-philes. It's ultra high resolution, cumbersome size, and ability to create "tilt-shifted" images have put it outside the boundaries of the digital feeding ground which has all but engulfed the consumer and pro-sumer end of the spectrum. has made it easy to create images that were thought only possible with an Analog View Camera. -Found on

Miklos Gaal of the Helsinki School recently popularized the idea by making beautiful large scale images that appear miniature through the use of heavy Tilt Shifting.

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