Saturday, February 28, 2009

When Good Things Break.......Skype

RANT: I believe in Skype, I really do. I even canceled my cellphone and switched to using my Skype service as my only phone.
It was a choice I made for a large part to save money but just as importantly because I believe it's a remarkable service. I had virtually no complaints until about two weeks ago when it just stopped making calls. Everything has been paid for, and I changed nothing on my computer that would prevent calls from connecting, it just stopped working to landlines and cellphones. The service is only 2.95 a month, so there is only so much you can expect, but as a true alternative to whats out there, waiting over two weeks to get your phone working again is pretty sad. I want to believe in them, I want something cheap and affordable and as a service I still absolutely recommend it, just don't go canceling your cellphones just yet.

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