Saturday, December 13, 2008

Southern Icons: Neutral Milk Hotel..This one goes out to the one I love..It's Jesus

This is a ghost that hopefully will soon rise from the dead, I don't know of another band that had such control over the imagery they created. It's inspired poetry scrawled in blood, written on wank napkins in a Southern Porno Booth while daydreaming of laying in a poppy field watching rainbow colored comets bounce off the atmosphere . It's when Howard Finster preached Revelations to the Beatles while on a nuclear Yellow Submarine during the WWII occupation of a White Trash trailer park. Seriously, this shit was and still is amazing. Remember that year around 10 or so ago, when everyone was floating around in their own shared private head space listening, dreaming together. It was before the first Ipods came out, back when the latest great thing lasted more than two weeks and you could still fit your shoes through your pant legs if you wanted to. I'm calling it early this year, December 20th, the day Carl Sagan died is raise the dead day. Dust off that CD or record find someone you love, or someone you can afford to love as in my case, and just dream. Get naked, make semen stain the Blue Ridge Mountaintops but most of all just dream...... in Technicolor.*



Jesus Christ / Up and Over We Go

*3-d glasses, a snorkle, some Fun-Dip, Magic fruit, and a Snapple are Mandatory
-Hackberry South nor any of it's sleeping non-employed employees are responsible for who does what to where with snorkles while wearing 3d glasses.... Dream responsibly.

*Neutral Milk Hotel, Paris approved with or without a snorkle

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